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  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
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  • 484-322-5316
  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
  • |
  • 484-322-5316

King of Prussia Dysport for Eyebrow Frown Lines

Everyone is familiar with Botox, an injectable that relaxes the muscle and smooths the deep, persistent lines in your forehead, brow and crow’s feet area. Botox is made by Allergan and has an extremely high safety and satisfaction rate with its consumers. In April of 2009, the competitor, Dysport was approved by the FDA. Overall Botox and Dysport are very similar. Both are a type of botulinum type A used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines and other overactive muscles of the face, including forehead lines and crow’s feet. It’s like comparing apples to apples. Dysport is a smaller-sized molecule so its unit measurement is different from Botox. These injectables have been in use for years and both have a high safety profile. Dysport and Botox must be injected every 3-4 months and show similar efficacy and side effects.

Here are the main differences:

  • Dysport usually lasts as long as Botox or longer (depends on doctor’s dilution but 2.5 ratio is recommended vs. Botox)
  • Dysport can appear in 2 to 5 days, while Botox appears in 4 to 7 days.
  • Dysport diffuses more. This is an advantage in some areas of the face and a disadvantage in others.
  • Dysport units are measured differently than Botox units. The industry standard is 2.5 units of Dysport equals 1 unit of Botox. Pricing is less for Dysport per unit since patients require more units in a treatment area.

Pricing with our providers is $4.80 (2.5 dysport units = 1 unit botox so exact same price for efficacy) per unit for Dysport.
At Lux Skin Lasers, pricing is the same whether you use Dysport or Botox. Some of our patients prefer one to the other- it’s really a matter of preference.

Typical Dysport injection pricing per area *based on $12 per unit equivalent pricing for Botox w/ our providers(excluding Dr. Lee):

  • Glabella (between brows): 50 Dysport units (20 Botox units) = $220
  • Glabella and forehead: 75 Dysport units (30 Botox units) = $330
  • Crows feet (sides of eyes): 60 Dysport units (25 Botox units) = $275

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